STS - Summit Technology Solutions
STS stands for Summit Technology Solutions
Here you will find, what does STS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Summit Technology Solutions? Summit Technology Solutions can be abbreviated as STS What does STS stand for? STS stands for Summit Technology Solutions. What does Summit Technology Solutions mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Cairo, Al Qahirah.
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Alternative definitions of STS
- Space Transportation System
- Serologic test for syphilis
- Sequence Tagged Site
- Science Technology And Society
- Stay The Same
- Service Technicians Society
- Serological Test For Syphilis
- Sensor-to-Shooter
View 297 other definitions of STS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SNO Seeking New Opportunities
- SPLC St. Paul Lutheran Church
- SML Sunrise Medical Laboratories
- SSCG Seven Seven Corporate Group
- SC The Shelly Company
- SEC Singer Equipment Company
- SPL Shaw and Partners Limited
- SWI Sea World Inc.
- STRS Special Tree Rehabilitation System
- SMA Soto Medical Associates
- SBA Standard Bank Angola
- SS The Shipley School
- SAAC Student Athlete Advisory Committee
- SSL Sealion Shipping Limited
- SHS Salinas High School
- SSC Sacramento Superior Court
- SMN Swiss Medical Network
- SCHS Sisters of Charity Health System
- SC The Summit Center
- SRL Swire Resources Limited